

Check with your medical provider and determine if you qualify for CZTE. If you deployed in a combat zone and are later hospitalized as an inpatient for treatment of the same illness or injury incurred while serving in a combat zone, you may be eligible for this exclusion. If eligible, you must submit a memorandum affirming your admission and release date from the hospital (see attachment below). If approved, Defense Finance & Accounting Service (DFAS) will update your military pay file and reimburse you your taxes for the months you were hospitalized. If applicable, send your completed CZTE Memorandum to your Non-Medical Care Manager for processing and later forwarding to DFAS.


CZTE Memorandum Template



If you are in a NO PAY and NO POINTS status, you may be able to apply for INCAP through your unit at your assigned base. This process is lengthy but could result in you receiving authorized pay and allowances for your status.  Please refer to the attached INCAP AFI, DOD FMR, Checklist, Point Paper to determine eligibility and apply. Note, those applying for INCAP must have an approved Line of Duty (LOD) for the condition/disability preventing the service member from working.


INCAP Pay Talking Paper



Check with your Casualty Affairs Representative (CAR) (normally located in you A&FRC) to see if you qualify for PAC pay.  PAC pay is the continuation of all pay allowances the member had while deployed.  It can be paid up to a full year past the medical evacuation from the AOR, or when the doctor and commander submit a 'fully fit for duty' memorandum through the CAR to DFAS.  This program only applies to those service members medevac’d back to the CONUS after receiving wounds or injuries in the line of duty, or illnesses in direct support of combat operations while serving in a combat operation or a combat zone, or in a designated imminent danger pay area or while exposed to a documented hostile fire event (regardless of location).


PAC Information


AF Guidance on PAC



TSGLI provides traumatic injury coverage to all service members covered under the SGLI program, to include short-term financial assistance to severely injured service members and veterans to assist them in their recovery from traumatic injuries. 


TSGLI provides insurance coverage for injuries incurred on or off duty. Review the attachments below to determine eligibility and discuss with your local Casualty Affairs Representative (normally located in your A&FRC).


TSGLI VA Brochure


TSGLI Schedule of Losses


TSGLI Application