This training page is a collaborative effort with the PsychArmor Institute (PAI). The PsychArmor Institute is a national nonprofit that provides free, online education and support to all Americans who work with, live with or care for military service members, veterans and their families.


As we engage our community of service members and those who support them, a solid foundation of knowledge is key to optimizing services and providing an individualized, personal experience. We believe the content provided by PAI helps us achieve these objectives with a measure of true excellence. To learn more about the Veteran Ready Certification visit We are excited to bring these offerings to you, and hope you find them value added tools supporting our common passion to care beyond duty.


AFW2 Staff

Our staff is engaged regularly with the care management of people in transition and other stress filled life-scenarios. At times, it is easy for us to unintentionally sacrifice our own well-being in the performance of our daily work. The curriculum in this area provides background, techniques, and recommendations for self-care options to assist with compassion fatigue, exposure to PTS scenarios and other potential areas of difficulty. The content is also helpful for those who simply want to be more educated about some of the major issues our AFW2 RA population deals with on a daily basis.


AFW2 Caregivers

Selected training topics are directly edifying for those who provide care and support for our service members. Self-care, respite, and revitalization methods are all addressed in selected courses. In addition, the benefit of helping our Caregiver population better understand those they are caring for is invaluable in providing a good experience on all sides of the caregiving relationship. When completed, the courses result in PAI certification as a Caregiver. 



While time and experience with a particular issue may provide a good foundation from which to establish a mentorship experience, it is important for our mentors to understand the audience they work with on a deeper level. Reviewing and absorbing the selected curriculum will help prepare our mentors to effectively provide support, remain engaged and improve the likelihood of positive relationship outcomes for our population.


AFW2 Volunteers

Volunteers across the spectrum of activities we participate in are a critical part of our overall success in supporting our AFW2 population. We want to be sure our volunteers know what to expect and are adequately prepared to work around a concentrated population of veterans. The training provided at this part of our site is aimed at developing some insight on how to best engage with those who experience physical or invisible, but evident, deficits.