Recovery Care Coordination Process (Care Management)

The Air Force Recovery Coordination Process encompasses all of the non-medical support to enrolled Wounded Warrior Airmen and their families.  The Recovery Coordination Process is designed to organize all available resources in support of family needs when an Airman or Guardian becomes seriously Wounded, Ill, or Injured to include those who have been medically evacuated from the theater.  At the same time, the Recovery Coordination Process provides a systematic structure which offers assistance, information, and support made available on the family’s terms.  Families have different needs, so each case must be considered and handled on an individual basis.  The Recovery Coordination Process is administered out of the Air Force Wounded Warrior Program (AFW2) office at Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC), Randolph AFB, TX.

 When an Airman or Guardian becomes Wounded, Ill, or Injured, the Care Management Team (CMT) supports both their medical and non-medical needs from the point of injury to reintegration and transition back to military service or civilian life.  Recovery Care Coordinators (RCCs) are the voice and face of the Recovery Coordination Process at the installation level.  RCCs ensure our Wounded, Ill or Injured Airmen or Guardians get the non-medical support they need to create the life they want.  The CMT executes the Recovery Coordination Process on behalf of the Wounded, Ill or Injured Airmen or Guardians.  Non-medical Care Managers (NMCM) are part of the CMT and support the RCCs in the field during the phases of care that encompass reintegration/transition and sustainment.  The NMCM provides assistance with all benefits and entitlements for those Airmen transitioning back into the civilian sector and helps resolve problems related to benefits and compensation, administrative and personnel paperwork, housing and transportation, prior to and during transition, and other matters that arise.  NMCMs play a significant role in assisting Airmen by connecting them with the Department of Veteran Affairs for future health care and benefits/compensation. 




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AFW2 Program

Mailing Address
550 C St. West, Ste. 37
JBSA Randolph TX

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Recovery Care Coordinator

Air Force Wounded Warrior Program