If you are recognized with a 100 percent VA Disability Rating, you may want to check out the SGLI Disability Extension Program which provides free coverage for up to two years from your date of discharge. The SGLI Disability Extension is available to Veterans who are totally disabled and had SGLI coverage at the time of discharge. To be considered totally disabled, you must have a disability that prevents you from being gainfully employed OR have one of the following conditions, regardless of employment status:
A. Permanent loss of use of any of the following: both hands, one foot and one eye, both eyes, one hand and one foot, both feet, one hand and one eye
B. Total loss of hearing in both ears
C. Organic loss of speech (lost ability to express oneself, both by voice and whisper, through normal organs for speech. Note: Being able to speak with an artificial appliance is still considered a loss of speech.)
Additionally, there is another $10,000 policy you may be eligible to receive called the Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance (S-DVI). You can find out more information on the VA Benefits page. S-DVI is a life insurance benefit for Veterans who have service-connected disabilities who are otherwise in good health. You can apply for a waiver of premiums by simply annotating at the top of the form: “REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF PREMIUMS."
Mail the completed application to the address on the form:
VA Insurance Center (RH)
P O Box 7208
Philadelphia, PA 19101
NOTE: This applies to all service members – not based off VA Disability Rating – DOES NOT HAVE TO BE 100 percent VA. If the waiver of premiums goes into effect, you then become eligible for an additional $20K in insurance ($30K total), but the additional $20K is not free.
SGLI Disability Extension Instructions