WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- The Air Force Aid Society will award more than $6 million in Gen. Henry Hap Arnold education grants and AFAS merit scholarships to the dependents of active duty and retired Airmen.
A total of 2,556 college and university students will receive the education grants and merit-based scholarships, ranging from $500 to $5,000, during the 2018-2019 academic year.
“Providing ongoing educational support to the families of Airmen is the generational impact that our founders General Henry Hap and Mrs. Bee Arnold envisioned when AFAS was established over 76 years ago,” said William A. Moorman, retired major general and AFAS board president. “We are excited to continue their legacy in recognizing the academic excellence of these students with these awards.”
The General Henry Hap Arnold education grants are awarded based on financial need and take into consideration a family’s income and the student’s educational costs. Each year, named grants are awarded to students in honor of individuals or organizations that have exemplified extraordinary service to the U.S. Air Force. For a full listing, visit named General Hap Arnold education grants.
A select group of incoming college and university freshmen who completed the Gen. Henry Hap Arnold education grant application with a 4.0 GPA were invited to apply for the AFAS merit-based, achievement scholarships. Applications were evaluated based on cumulative GPA scores, high school transcripts and written essays. Each year, topics focus on issues that adversely affect school and college campuses. This year, students were asked to submit essays on sexual assault, bullying and school shootings.
“Our Airmen and their families rely on the financial support we provide each year through the educational grants and scholarships,” said AFAS CEO and retired Lt. Gen. John D. Hopper Jr. “Thank you to our generous donors, who make what we do possible. It means a great deal that we are able to provide financial relief to help offset rising college tuition costs for so many Air Force families.”
Students who applied for the Henry Hap Arnold education grants are also eligible to receive an additional $1,000, no-interest AFAS supplemental education loan for the upcoming academic year to cover incidental college expenses.
Since launching the education program, AFAS has awarded over $167 million in Henry Hap Arnold education grants to 109,499 students, and 229 merit scholarships totaling nearly $1 million. Henry Hap Arnold education grant applications for the 2019-2020 academic year will be available beginning January 2019. For more information and eligibility requirements, visit www.afas.org/.