JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Tex. -- Have a routine, stay active, find a hobby, do not isolate and most importantly, stay connected. This is something the Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2) Program emphasizes to Warriors, Caregivers, and families when they are enrolled in the program.
With everything going on in the world right now, staying connected can be almost impossible due to the virus, and the distancing that must be adhered to as a result. Now, more than ever, our Warriors need unbreakable connections and we have an answer. AFW2 will host its first ever Virtual CARE Week, August 18-21.
“This is the perfect way, right now, to offer connections and continued services of Warrior Care Support,” said Marsha Gonzales, AFW2 Warrior Care Support branch chief. “By hosting this event, we can help the Warriors, and their families, stay connected to one another, renew their sense of purpose and provide hope during a difficult time.”
The AFW2 program has been hosting live events on social media the past couple of months to keep everyone linked, and the Virtual CARE Week will emphasize those events on a bigger scale. CARE stands for Caregiver and Family Support Program, Adaptive Sports and Ambassador Programs, Recovering Airman Mentorship and Resiliency Programs, and Empowerment in Transition Program. All the programs will be offering something unique for those enrolled, advancing their knowledge on resiliency techniques, continued healing, and career advancement.
In response to one of AFW2s virtual events, Lt. Col. Mike Loos, Air Force Global Strike Command Headquarter/A9, said this, “You have given me a renewed sense of purpose. I know my time in the Air Force is coming to an end, but I will never stop caring for Airmen. You are allowing me to fulfill the oath I have taken, and I can never repay you for that.”
A pandemic, virus, physical distancing, and ever-changing laws may keep people from face-to-face interactions, but nothing will ever sever the invisible ties the AFW2 program creates with their Warriors, Caregivers, families, and staff members. They are leading the way in establishing and sustaining connections through prosperous virtual service deliveries.
Visit the programs Facebook page for more upcoming information in regards to the Virtual CARE Week, to hear stories of resiliency, and engage in wellness activities hosted by AFW2 Warriors and staff. For additional information, visit to refer an Airman to the program, read about the program’s mission, or learn about additional programs offered to Caregivers and families.