JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Tex. -- This journey called "life" is never a smooth ride for all. Everyone is thrown boulders--unexpected curves--and learn essential life lessons through unwanted experiences. Although everyone is different, it would be a lot easier if life provided an acquaintance who had already experienced similar trials and tribulations.
Members that are enrolled in the Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2) Program have been ill, injured or wounded in ways that may been impossible to avoid. To help them cope in numerous ways and grow accustomed to their new "normal" the AFW2 Recovering Airman Mentorship Program (RAMP) provides mentors who have walked those same footsteps.
“The mission of the RAMP Program is to connect Warriors with each other to aid in their recovery,” said Jose Martinez, RAMP Program manager. “Our mentors provide advice, encouragement, and resources, as well as providing assistance setting goals and sometimes just a listening ear when necessary.”
Mentors receive an abundance of training to ensure they are up for the task of helping their fellow Warriors. Their training consists of learning how to be an effective mentor and "mentee" training so they better understand the other side. They also go through follow-on training at workshops and through virtual service delivery to learn additional skills to help them in their new role.
“I am here to ensure Warriors transition quickly, efficiently and as painlessly as possible,” said Lance Gillenwater, RAMP mentor. “I did not have a mentor, and it would have been beneficial to have someone there to pull me out of my dark times and show me what I didn’t know. I don’t want anyone to feel as lost as I was.”
From day one, military members know what their end goal is and how to complete the mission. When an event obstructs that path, and for most completely close it off, they are faced with a new path and not many helping signs along the way. The RAMP Program is changing that by providing guiding lights along their new journey to their new mission, for mentors and mentees.
“This program is wonderful for allowing service members, in or out of transition, to continue giving to their brothers and sisters,” Lance said. “AFW2 fills a void because I feel like I didn’t get to finish my mission. By mentoring I can continue to help my people. The RAMP program has given me purpose.”
To learn more about the RAMP program, hear stories of resiliency and engage in wellness activities hosted by AFW2 Warriors and staff visit the programs Facebook page. For additional information visit, to refer an Airman to the program, read about the program’s mission and learn about additional programs offered to Caregivers and families.