AFW2 Virtual Open House

  • Published
  • By Shannon Hall
  • Air Force Wounded Warrior Program

The Air Force Wounded Warrior (AFW2) Program hosted its first ever Virtual Open House to kick off the New Year. During this two-day event, attendees learned about all of the programs within AFW2 that are available for Warriors, Caregivers and their families.

This event allowed for every program to briefly discuss their mission, goals and provide testimonies from those who are enrolled. The programs included Caregivers, Community Programs, Adaptive Sports, Ambassador and Outreach, Recovering Airman Mentorship (RAMP), Wellness and Resiliency (WAR) and Empowerment in Transition (EIT).

“The idea of an open house came from a Warrior and allowed AFW2 staff to connect with Warriors, and their families, interested in learning more about the programs, services and workshops offered,” said Michelle Shope, AFW2 Event Management and Operations. “This virtual platform provided opportunities for Warriors to discover, and continue, using AFW2 support in their recovery process.”

The first step in the recovery process is to get in touch with a Recovery Care Coordinator (RCC) within the Warrior’s region. From there, the RCC works with the Warrior to discuss their diagnosis and what program’s will benefit them the most on their journey. RCC’s set the tone for a Warrior’s perception of the AFW2 program.

“I was a mess of a person when I sat down with Jeff Maberry, my RCC at Eglin Air Force Base,” said Master Sgt. Shannon Cassinelli, AFW2 Warrior. “He sat down with me, helped me unload all of my baggage and discussed everything the program could do for me. He was the first person to reignite that little glimmer of hope I had lost over the years.”

Once a connection is made with an RCC, so many doors open for our Warriors, their Caregivers and families. This open house allowed those who attended to get a front row seat to understanding each program and how it can benefit them on their individual journey.

To hear testimonies from Warriors and Caregivers and to know what events are coming up please follow our social media pages. To refer an Airman and learn more about each program please visit our website at