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  • One step at a time

    Senior Master Sgt. David Snyder put on his physical training uniform and fought the tension inside his chest. It was the day of his annual PT test. Like all his tests before, he had been preparing for months. But this time, he was a lot more nervous.

  • CARE Event spotlight: Kevin Greene

    Life happens in an instant; and while the damage and destruction can take years to clean up and rebuild, dramatic and unforeseeable change occurs in a flash.  “I can remember the night of the accident very vividly; mostly I remember being stopped at a red light and looking at a lady in the vehicle

  • A lesson in resiliency; Airman shares journey after combat injury takes leg

    Difficult and challenging things happen to everyone, but having resiliency is the ability to bounce back after facing diversity, said the 45th Space Wing Interim Command Chief Master Sgt. Alexander Hall as he addressed Airmen during Wingman Day.  The command chief then turned the floor over to Staff

  • Deployment trauma bonds Warriors for life

    Tech. Sgts. Benjamin Seekell and Brian Williams’s life-changing experiences led them to become Warriors and helped forge an inseparable bond between them. The friends participated in the Warrior CARE events and team training here Apr. 24 – 28.
