March 29, 2018 Active Duty? Enroll to continue TRICARE coverage after retirement Retiring from active duty, whether a medical retirement or a regular retirement, is a significant life event. You should know before you retire which TRICARE programs best suit your and your family’s needs.
March 23, 2018 Which plan is right for you? Comparing TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Select If you have health coverage with TRICARE, you can choose from a variety of plans, which provide you options in where and how you seek medical and dental services. Two major health programs include TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Select.
March 23, 2018 Which plan is right for you? Comparing TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Select If you have health coverage with TRICARE, you can choose from a variety of plans, which provide you options in where and how you seek medical and dental services. Two major health programs include TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Select.