The Family Liaison Officer program is designed to provide a single focal point for the Airman’s family to receive Air Force resource assistance, and compassionate non-clinical care during a very difficult time. The program provides all available resources in support of family needs when an Airman becomes seriously ill or injured. Additionally, the program provides a systematic structure through which offers of assistance, information and support are made available on the family’s terms. Support will be made available until the Airman has stabilized and long-term support is in place.
FLOs are appointed to assist the family of seriously or very seriously ill or injured (SI or VSI) Airmen navigate the various agencies involved in recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration. The FLO is also the link between the family and the Airman’s unit. When a FLO is warranted, AFPC/DPFW will make a request for FLO contact information with the commander responsible for the assignment of FLO. FLO assignment will be limited to 30 days, however, when applicable, the assignment may be extended up to 60 days with AFPC/DPF approval.